I am Joost van Dalen, an environmental geographer studying at Wageningen University & Research. I have always been fascinated with maps and the environment and I am now making a full-time career out of both.
After finishing my MBO and BSc in Water Management, I enrolled in the MSc programme of Geo-Information Science. From here my goal is to integrate remote sensing technologies and water resources management to study water quality and water quantity issues in the aquatic environment.
Download my resume.
MSc, Geo-Information Science
Wageningen University & Research
BSc, Aquatic Ecotechnology
HZ University of Applied Sciences
MBO-4, Watermanagement
Lentiz MBO Westland
Thesis title: “Floating Macroplastic in the Riverine Environment: Assessment and Application of Quantification Methods for Macroplastic Emissions”
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
Responsibilities include:
Using SAR for distinguishing different water types ins western New Guinea
Soil subsidence in the water board of Amstel, Gooi and Vecht
Research into the relationship between deforestation and slope/elevation
Coastal classification through the Coastal Hazard Wheel
Interactive viewing of 300+ datasets